Download Fox Grocery App
As a user, you can download Fox Grocery user app to get a portion of the meal whenever you want and enjoy a meal at a location. You can register or sign up into app by providing the basic information like name, email, contact details. Also, you can use a social account site like Facebook, Google to sign up.
After login, you can search for your preferred meal from your faviorite restaurant. You can view a list of the store with their information such as store name, offer details, rating and more. Also, you have an option to filter the restaurant by their timing, rating, cuisine and more.
After selecting your favorite restaurant, you can view food items, select the food item and place the food order. Also, you have an option to track your order request within the app. Download the app now enjoy a meal!

Become a Partner
Download the Fox Grocery restaurant app and expand your restaurant business with the online platform. You can register into an app and provide the information about a restaurant.
You have an option to add store information using the store panel such as store name, timing, delivery radius, product details, etc.
After an admin approves your store request, you will get a real-time order request. You have an option to accept or decline the order request. Also, you can manage restaurant details with some few click.